
Art, Literature, Music, Religion

American DVD rental website (12,700 words)

Website (HTML) of an online vendor of photographic material (including all packaging, fact sheets and user guides) (20,000 words)

Social website for the film community and online venue for the latest Canadian short films (57,000 words)

Legal proceedings related to a trial concerning intellectual property in the field of music (12,000 words)

Visitor expectation survey, for a Belgian modern art museum (1,400 words)

Materials for an exhibition held in Quebec City on its 400th anniversary (4,600 words)

Musicians’ bios and program notes for a UK classical music festival (2,500 words)

Gospel-based stories for children and adolescents for a French Christian publisher (40,000 words)

Newsletter on social and artistic events for Africans living in the UK (7,000 words)

Online and offline photo and painting gallery materials (artist interviews, work descriptions, etc.) (2,500 words)

Wall labels for an art show (1,100 words)

Consumer Goods

Website of an American wholesaler of natural pharmaceutical specialties (12,000 words)

Website of a Singaporean import-export company dealing in building materials, food products, textiles and automotive products (10,000 words)

Website of a leading whisky producer (4,000 words)

American DVD rental website (12,700 words)

Website (HTML) of an online vendor of photographic material (including all packaging, fact sheets and user guides) (20,000 words)

Several PR/advertising projects, in various industries, for an American Internet ad agency (24,000 words)

Projects in the areas of agribusiness, consumer products, education, financial services, food and nutrition, government, transportation, travel and tourism, for one of the leading Canadian full-service advertising and PR firms (73,000 words, recurrent)

Packaging and inserts for infant-care products (5,000 words)

Privacy policy for a major UK manufacturer of multizone digital music systems (1,900 words)

Packaging and inserts for a Dutch gardening product manufacturer (4,300 words)

Packaging and manuals for educational toys and learning aids for a leading Canadian toy manufacturer (7,600 words)

Packaging for a US electronic gadget manufacturer and distributor (1,200 words)

Sports drink fact sheets and inserts (2,000 words)

Marketing research survey about iPhone accessories (3,000 words)

Marketing, technical and legal documents (leaflets, white papers, contracts, etc.) for a leader in the rubber flooring industry (10,000 words)

Full localization (GUI, manuals, etc.) of software that provides traditional, self-sourcing and multichannel retailers with the tools to manage complex business processes while delivering real-time information across the enterprise (270,000 words)

Franchise acknowledgement and consent, Website terms of use and Website privacy policy for a publicly traded company with over $3 billon in sales operating around the world in the fields of information technology, vision care and lifestyle refinement (12,000 words)

Website of a company that designs, produces and markets-online and through a network of shops-American-made authentic denim with timeless appeal and a vintage aesthetic (23,800 words)

Battery operating instructions and user's manuals (3,000 words)

Distribution, Logistics, Energy, Mining, Transport, Construction and Real Estate

Website of a Singaporean import-export company dealing in building materials, food products, textiles and automotive products (10,000 words)

Canadian website of one of the world’s major aerospace and defence players (29,000 words)

Recruitment website of the leading Canadian office supply reseller (4,800 words)

Several PR/advertising projects, in various industries, for an American Internet ad agency (24,000 words)

Projects in the areas of agribusiness, consumer products, education, financial services, food and nutrition, government, transportation, travel and tourism, for one of the leading Canadian full-service advertising and PR firms (73,000 words, recurrent)

Health and safety policy for an international property development, investment and fund management group (5,000 words)

Economic study on the French retail and grocery distributors’ equity market (12,000 words)

Health and safety guidelines for one of North America’s largest investors, owners and managers of commercial real estate (10,500 words)

Marketing materials for a UK dental instrument manufacturer and reseller (18,000 words)

Local (15 countries in Asia, Africa, South America and Eastern Europe) and global reports on climate change, energy systems and associated policies, and sustainable and equitable development for a French-American NGO (165,000 words)

Questionnaire about the public perception of oil sands exploitation for a Canadian federal agency  (1,100 words)

Localization of German CAD/CAM (construction) software application, from localized English version (40,000 words)

PowerPoint presentation for a proposal regarding graphics and printing needs of one of the Quebec's biggest grocery retailers (17,200 words)

Employee survey for a large Canadian transportation service company (1,800 words)

Minutes of meetings of a federal-Ontario-Quebec body set up to develop an Ontario-Quebec continental gateway and trade corridor (2,100 words)

Business cases and other internal documents for a French stationery reseller (29,000 words)

Internal and external marketing materials for one of Canada’s largest book, music and movie retailers (14,400 words)

Executive summary of an energy efficiency study for a public agency that champions innovation and expertise in the earth sciences, forestry, energy, and minerals and metals, to ensure the responsible and sustainable development of Canadian natural resources (1,300 words)

Presentations about a retail reward program (8,100 words)

Legal study comparing railway transportation in the US, Canada and the EU (57,300 words)

Quarterly in-house newsletter of a European multinational company focused on customer needs regarding innovative climate and hot water solutions and services (6,000 words, recurrent)

Several sections (on demolition) of the most comprehensive master specification in Canada serving as an easy-to-use framework for writing construction project specifications (3,200 words)

Pocket guide for policy makers on Ontario transportation systems (9,100 words)

Report by the commissioner of the public inquiry into a helicopter crash in the Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area (41,000 words)

Terms of reference for preparing the environmental impact assessment of a tungsten mining project (19,300 words)

Construction job descriptions (building and civil works) (3,000 words)

Internal video about the "integrity triangle" for one of the world's leading engineering, procurement and construction companies (900 words)

Air-conditioning and furnace rental contract and water heater rental contract (7,600 words)

Full localization (GUI, manuals, etc.) of software that provides traditional, self-sourcing and multichannel retailers with the tools to manage complex business processes while delivering real-time information across the enterprise (270,000 words)

Website of a privately held commercial real estate services firm with 243 offices in 60 countries and more than 14,000 employees (26,600 words)

Website of a company that designs, produces and markets-online and through a network of shops-American-made authentic denim with timeless appeal and a vintage aesthetic (23,800 words)

Battery operating instructions and user's manuals (3,000 words)

Ongoing translation of news releases regarding federal government infrastructure investments (20,000 words)


Public consultation documents regarding implementation of a new educational and health strategy, for an Ontario government department (12,000 words)

Internal notes and memos for a federal educational agency (4,000 words)

Student rating guide for a learning service provider, for the Public Service of Canada (2,000 words)

Guidelines for teaching literacy and numeracy to students with learning difficulties (17,100 words)

Documents related to the EU Erasmus project (international student mobility) (10,000 words)

Study on scholarships in France (10,000 words)

Study on new plant biosecurity curriculum for Canadian universities and colleges, for a federal agency that safeguards Canada’s food supply and the plants and animals upon which safe and high-quality food depends (12,100 words)

University macroeconomics textbook, online and printed (72,000 words)

Finance, Banking, Insurance, Tax and Legal

Website of a Canadian insurance company specializing in sports, leisure and entertainment insurance solutions (1,800 words)

Training course for analysts who handle major bodily injury claims (9,600 words)

Several PR/advertising projects, in various industries, for an American Internet ad agency (24,000 words)

Projects in the areas of agribusiness, consumer products, education, financial services, food and nutrition, government, transportation, travel and tourism, for one of the leading Canadian full-service advertising and PR firms (73,000 words, recurrent)

All kinds of online and offline materials, especially training courses, for an international development agency represented in 17 countries across the globe, which offers poor women in Africa, Asia and Latin America a powerful combination of microfinance, knowledge, and health protection, thus offering sustainable solutions to the global hunger crisis (26,000 words, recurring)

Annual report of an international initiative led by the African Ministers’ Council on Water to mobilize funding for water resource development (28,000 words)

Market research project for a Canadian retail banking company (6,000 words)

Court submissions for asylum seekers in Canada (9,000 words)

Various legal documents related to seed regulations for a Canadian public agency with the aim of bolstering economic prosperity, strengthening security at the border and the safety of the food supply, protecting the environment and contributing to the health of Canadians (19,300 words)

Customer newsletter for a European financial software publisher (3,000 words a month, recurrent)

Service level agreements for a software publisher specializing in CRM (27,000 words)

Standard affiliates contract and terms and conditions of a European online betting and gaming website (14,000 words)

Quarterly financial newsletter on wealth management, for a leading investment bank (15,000 words, recurring)

Economic study on the French retail and grocery distributors’ equity market (12,000 words)

Legal proceedings related to a trial concerning intellectual property in the field of music (12,000 words)

Quarterly analysis and outlook newsletters for a Swiss private bank (12,500 words, recurrent)

Employee newsletter for a UK provider of cash flow solutions to SMEs in Western and Eastern Europe (4,200 words, recurrent)

Sales literature on loans and mortgages offered by a foreign retail bank (17,000 words)

Bank officer training courses for the main provider of cheque supply programs to major financial institutions all over Canada (94,000 words)

Several contracts related to retirement, pension and savings products, for a Canadian credit union that delivers value-added services and specialized solutions to enhance its partners’ competitive advantage and success (15,000 words)

Confidentiality protocols, policies and agreement for a biotechnology firm (7,400 words)

Licence agreement for the development, installation, operation and maintenance of a proprietary network of video display units, software and related equipment in commercial buildings and elevators (11,000 words)

Legal study comparing railway transportation in the US, Canada and the EU (57,300 words)

Proposals by the management committee to the board of directors regarding investment schemes, for an institution that furthers the objectives of the EU by making long-term finance available for sound investment  (12,000 words, recurrent)

Online presentation (XML & HTML) on the legal aspects of surveying (6,000 words)

HR analysis of the gaps between job descriptions and job contents for five front-end and three back-end employee categories, for a merchant bank (13,800 words)

Contract for laboratory testing of chemical, radiological and microbiological parameters of health concern in environmental samples collected from First Nation communities (13,100 words)

Private digital network installation agreement (3,600 words)

Air-conditioning and furnace rental contract and water heater rental contract (7,600 words)

Franchise acknowledgement and consent, Website terms of use and Website privacy policy for a publicly traded company with over $3 billon in sales operating around the world in the fields of information technology, vision care and lifestyle refinement (12,000 words)

Country snapshots (internal communication) for an international retail bank (3,300 words)

Employment termination letter (1,700 words)

Industry: Process, Manufacturing, Automotive

Website of a leading whisky producer (4,000 words)

Canadian website of one of the world’s major aerospace and defence players (29,000 words)

Study on action proposals for education, training and learning in the UK automotive industry (9,000 words)

Online course for autoworkers (European French) (11,000 words)

Several PR/advertising projects, in various industries, for an American Internet ad agency (24,000 words)

Projects in the areas of agribusiness, consumer products, education, financial services, food and nutrition, government, transportation, travel and tourism, for one of the leading Canadian full-service advertising and PR firms (73,000 words, recurrent)

Marketing materials for a UK dental instrument manufacturer and reseller (18,000 words)

Lobbying letters to Canadian federal ministers and MPs, for a giant of the food processing industry (2,800 words)

Project management quality assurance documentation for one of the world’s biggest steel producers (over 500 documents, 63,000 words)

Privacy policy for a major UK manufacturer of multizone digital music systems (1,900 words)

Online course for automotive after-sales people (resellers) (23,000 words)

Packaging and inserts for a Dutch gardening product manufacturer (4,300 words)

Customer and employee newsletters for an American food product manufacturer (16,800 words)

Packaging and manuals for educational toys and learning aids for a leading Canadian toy manufacturer (7,600 words)

Packaging for a US electronic gadget manufacturer and distributor (1,200 words)

Brochure, including both technical and marketing jargon, for a manufacturer of high-end luxury cars (7,100 words)

Marketing, technical and legal documents (leaflets, white papers, contracts, etc.) for a leader in the rubber flooring industry (10,000 words)

External communications guidelines for a fibre cement manufacturer (4,000 words)

Leisure, Sports, Entertainment, Travel and Tourism

Website of a Canadian insurance company specializing in sports, leisure and entertainment insurance solutions (1,800 words)

Website of the leading UK provider of golf analysis software (2,800 words)

One the world’s biggest golf websites (XML), including highly specialized scientific papers on horticulture, land management, turf management, water management and wildlife conservation (over 200,000 words, recurring)

American DVD rental website (12,700 words)

Website of a leading Israeli provider of personalized web gadgets, including localization of widgets themselves: UI with strong space constraints and instructions (12,000 words)

Website and brochure of a major American sports event packager (ticketing and hospitality), targeting the European market (11,000 words)

Website (HTML) of an online vendor of photographic material (including all packaging, fact sheets and user guides) (20,000 words)

Social website for the film community and online venue for the latest Canadian short films (57,000 words)

Marketing literature and financial information PRs for a leading fitness and sport company (5,000 words)

Numerous PRs for a major European golf event (5,000 words)

PRs and marketing materials for a major provider of services to sports hospitality management programs (12,000 words)

Projects in the areas of agribusiness, consumer products, education, financial services, food and nutrition, government, transportation, travel and tourism, for one of the leading Canadian full-service advertising and PR firms (73,000 words, recurrent)

Standard affiliates contract and terms and conditions of a European online betting and gaming website (14,000 words)

Facilitator guide for a pan-Canadian organization that aims to provide a safe, supportive place where children and youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for life (18,200 words)

Flyers, leaflets, brochures, and online and printed sales and marketing documents for one of Asia’s biggest chain of luxury hotels, resorts and spas (over 500 documents, totalling over 10,000 words)

Game reports and analysis (soccer, tennis and Formula 1) for one of the main European sport channels (40,000 words, recurrent)

Monthly TV program schedule sent to subscribers by the only Canadian pay television network that broadcasts premium movies, series and live events (sports and music) (2,500 words, recurrent)

Marketing, technical and legal documents (leaflets, white papers, contracts, etc.) for a leader in the rubber flooring industry (10,000 words)

Activity report for a continental cycling federation (8,200 words)

Medical, Pharmaceutical, Health and Sciences

Internal (PowerPoint presentations, internal memos, etc.) and external (website, PRs, etc.) materials for a Swiss-based international organization that provides a coordinated global approach to fighting malaria for a multinational, multicultural French-speaking audience (28,500 words)

Website for an international recruitment consultancy (IT and pharmaceuticals), intended for both Europe and Canada (21,000 words)

Website of an American wholesaler of natural pharmaceutical specialties (12,000 words)

One the world’s biggest golf websites (XML), including highly specialized scientific papers on horticulture, land management, turf management, water management and wildlife conservation (over 200,000 words, recurring)

Training course for analysts who handle major bodily injury claims (9,600 words)

Public consultation documents regarding implementation of a new educational and health strategy, for an Ontario government department (12,000 words)

Study on nurses’ professional development needs (5,600 words)

Several online courses on infectious disease outbreaks: tools and strategies for front-line clinicians (21,000 words)

Various materials for a joint conference on children’s mental health, for an Ontario NGO that promotes child welfare issues throughout the province (5,900 words)

Several PowerPoint presentations for a joint conference on violence and children, for a pan-Canadian community-based NGO working to promote children’s mental health (3,900 words)

RFPs for mission/payload concepts for an EU agency overseeing space programs, technologies, science and operations (11,000 words)

Marketing materials for a UK dental instrument manufacturer and reseller (18,000 words)

Discussion guides for surgeons on bariatric surgery, for a global health-care products leader (19,000 words)

Medical questionnaires for a health-care delivery system serving Illinois communities (3,100 words)

Website, newsletter and other materials for a Canadian national public education campaign designed to raise awareness of mental illness (6,300 words, recurrent)

Report on communicable diseases for a public agency (3,800 words)

Various materials for a conference on public health north of the 60th parallel (7,000 words)

Brochure and user guide for a mathematical software publisher (16,000 words)

Specialized glossary for a diet and nutrition website (400 words and expressions)

Study on risks of needlestick injuries among nurses using safety needles, and nurses’ satisfaction with the needles (3,200 words)

Structured clinical interviews for DSM-IV Axis I disorders (France and Canada) (20,000 words) 

Studies for a federal agency with the aim of providing leadership with respect to patient safety issues in the context of improving health care quality, by providing advice to governments, stakeholders and the public on effective strategies related to case definition and minimum data set for the surveillance of several nosocomial diseases in acute care hospitals across Canada (14,900 words)

Economic, social and political studies for an Aboriginal-designed and -controlled body committed to influencing and advancing the health and well-being of Aboriginal Peoples by carrying out knowledge-based strategies (40,000 words)

Study on the use of nanotechnologies in agriculture (19,100 words)

PowerPoint presentation on the use of the Internet and new technologies for the board of directors of a provincial public mental health agency (3,200 words)

Procurement and supply management training for the uninitiated professional in Africa (8,300 words)

Scientific papers on agriculture: development and release of potato germplasm; development of improved cultivars of traditional and non-traditional forage crops; evaluation of the impact of four manure application systems on the cost of manure management for a medium-sized beef feedlot; comparison of fresh versus composted feedlot manure containing straw or wood-chip bedding on crop yield, nutrient uptake and soil chemistry, etc. (14,700 words)

Analysis of the Breeding Bird Survey to infer population trends of prairie breeding birds (8,700 words)

Contract for laboratory testing of chemical, radiological and microbiological parameters of health concern in environmental samples collected from First Nation communities (13,100 words)

Recurrent translation of all kinds of online and offline materials (training courses, guides, marketing, legal, IT, HR, accounting, etc.) for an organization that provides seamlessly integrated community-based client care solutions where all service providers can securely share and access consistent and accurate information electronically, and offers tools that can facilitate the collection and use of client information and systems focused on implementing Ontario Healthcare Reporting Standards/management information systems in the community care sector (150,000 words)

Human resources policy: Integrated performance process for a research-driven speciality biopharmaceutical company that identifies, develops, manufactures and markets innovative products in the fields of reproductive health, urology, gastroenterology and endocrinology (6,200 words)

Endoscope company catalogue (6,500 words)

Marketing, internal communications and manuals for a voluntary health organization dedicated solely to the fight against ALS and support for those with ALS working nationwide to fund ALS research and to improve the quality of life for people affected by ALS (7,900 words)

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Some content is reproduced with permission from cited sources.